This is an eight (8) hour, Private/Individual 1-1 Bootcamp.

Includes: Market Strategy, Casting/Pre-Production, Live Production day (with a model), Post- Production and Updating Website/Clip Store.



Producer/Director Bootcamp

Posted on Sat, 29 August 2020

The industry has drastically changed over the years. But, one thing has always remained the same, "Content IS KING!"   Content will sell, even if amateur quality, if presented on the right website, with the right presentation.   

This is an eight (8) hour, Private/Individual 1-1 Bootcamp.


- Market Strategy

- Casting/Pre-Production

- Live Production day (with a model)

- Post- Production

- Updating Website/Clip Store

Many people shoot what they like personally.   This makes a lot of sense, if you're not passionate about your product, nobody else will.   But, being passionate isn't enough to sell your product.   There are other business things to consider before you even get started shooting your content.  
Market Strategy
What niche specifically are you looking to fill?
How well do you know the competition?  
What platforms are going to sell my niche the best?
Do I need a website? 
Are you going to produce the content yourself or are you going to outsource it?
How much do I need to spend and how much will I make?
Where do I find models?
How much should I pay a model? 
Where can I shoot adult content safely and legally?  
What paperwork should I collect from the model? 
Should I share the content with the model? 
What health testing do models or crew need?
Production Day
What is the best production flow for my shoot? 
What happens if the model doesn't show? 
How do I explain to the model about the model release and use of ID? 
How do I handle conflict resolution with a model or crew? 
Who should I allow on set?  Boyfriend, Husband?
What editing software should I use?
How do I capture the content for editing?
Does it matter how I organize the raw content? 
Do I need to keep the raw content? 
What do I do with paperwork and IDs? 
Do I need to create special graphics or banners?
Updating Website/Clip Store
How often do I post updates? 
What is the best strategy for category selection?
How long should the descriptions be?
How do I use keywords or tags?
